Ensuring the viability of the organization through the management of strategic resources
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Abstract (English):
The formation of conditions for the development of elements of strategic resource management in companies is due to several methodological difficulties. One of the important factors in the complex of difficulties in the formation and implementation of a resource management strategy in companies is precisely the choice of the most effective concept. Scientific and technological progress, innovations, new forms of doing business, as well as new types of resources have a significant impact on all aspects of the functional of companies and all processes of ensuring the life of companies. Ensuring the viability of an organization based on the management of strategic resources is an action program developed by the owner and management of the company, it acts as a statement of intent, which defines the means to achieve goals, taking into account the long–term allocation of resources, as well as taking into account the flexibility of matching these resources and capabilities of the company, including the specifics of the external business environment. Creating competitive advantages is one of the main tasks in managing strategic resources. To develop competitive advantages, of course, production capabilities and capacities, financial resources, human capital, organization and resource allocation processes are important, which can be components of sustainability and superiority in the economic space. It is extremely important to ensure the viability of companies, provided that a strategic resource management plan is developed and implemented — a set of specific measures to achieve the long-term goals of business entities. Strategic resource management is an important condition for the success of each company. This is both a landmark of movement in the business environment, and the most important component of survival in a highly competitive struggle.

project approach, logistics activities, stages of project management, optimization of logistics processes
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