Features of formation of regional budgets of the rf due to regional taxes
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The financial base of regional authorities is of great importance for the implementation of the main goals and objectives of various areas of regional policy - financial, economic, social, etc. Regional budgets form the basis of the financial base of regional authorities. In this regard, it should be noted that Russian regions differ in their level of socio-economic development, and therefore their ability to form their budgets from their own incomes differs. In this regard, this scientific article focuses on studying the role of regional taxes in the revenues of regional budgets of the Russian Federation, since it is they, in the author’s opinion, that should form the basis for the financial stability of the regions. In addition, this work provides a comparative analysis of the structure of income of the consolidated budgets of the Russian Federation and the consolidated budget of the Republic of Dagestan, since for the Republic of Dagestan the issues of increasing financial independence are particularly acute today.

budget, tax revenues, budget revenues, taxes, regional taxes
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