Dagestan State Agrarian University named after M.M. Dzhambulatov (kafedra ekonomiki i upravleniya v APK, Associate Professor)
UDK 331.108 Работа с кадрами. Обеспечение кадрами. Внутренний распорядок. Трудовая дисциплина
The article is devoted to the development of human resources at enterprises of the agro-industrial complex in order to increase their competitiveness in local and regional markets. Currently, in the context of the development of science and technology, personnel play an important role in ensuring the efficiency of enterprises and the development of the national economy in general and the agro-industrial complex in particular. The average annual number of people employed in agriculture in Russia in 2023 amounted to almost 4 million people, and the share of agricultural products in the generated national GDP was 3.8%. Therefore, the development of personnel as the basis for achieving the desired level of competitiveness will create conditions for the implementation of modern technical and technological developments. The purpose of the article is to develop new and improve existing theoretical and methodological foundations, as well as to provide practical recommendations on personnel development as an essential condition for increasing the competitiveness of agricultural enterprises in the face of modern challenges, trade and economic sanctions imposed on Russia by Western countries. The article considers the issues of human resource development of modern agricultural enterprises, clarifies the essence of the concept of "human resource potential" of agricultural producers. The types are classified and the principles of human resources development are proposed. The main ways of improving the organizational and information base for the development of human resources have been identified. The results of the study provide a forecast and recommendations for the development of human resources and agricultural enterprises in the context of increased global competition. These include: development of a methodological assessment; a study of the general conditions for the development of human resources.
personnel management, human resources potential, personnel policy, motivation, efficiency, agricultural enterprise, competitiveness
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